Westerly Armory

It’s coming. I hope to see you there. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a chance to meet with my readers and friends. Let’s enjoy the day, buy something for gifts, maybe a gift for ourselves – a good book perhaps – and get what sounds to be some tasty food. I’m all for the chocolate.

There’s going to be 26 vendors including Rhode Island authors with their books, silver jewelry, metal sculptures (large and small), water-color greetings cards, framed rock art, carved wooden bowls & other carvings, woven goods, hand-made tote bags, clamdles (candles in shells), pearl jewelry, photographs, RI games, Seacoast Sweets (upscale chocolate patties with assorted fillings), and a large display of antiques. Ninigret Quilters will have a quilt raffle, as well with one of their famous and fabulous quilts. The Armory will have its own booth with items to sell – from Samurai swords, WWII overcoats, and a few antiques — to the Armory’s brand new black fleece fests with embroidered Armory – and tan canvas zip-top carry-bags with embroidered Armory. The snack bar will have wonderful sandwiches – one kind has hand-made bread with various fillings, a very special soupy (soprasata — sp??) sandwich will be available (called “Westerly’s gold”), fresh cut-up fruit in cups, home-made cookies, plus water and soda. Coffee is on us this year to vendors so we’ll have that for you when you come in, I hope.


In the Darkness and Light series

Book1: A Darkness Descending and Book3: Where There was Darkness are available in all formats

Dark Night of the Soul is only available as a paperback or Kindle at Amazon. Though you do not have to read Dark Night after A Darkness Descending, I highly recommend reading Where There was Darkness Last.

To those who have read any of the above, please write a review(Good I Hope) and let me know if you think I should write a fourth. It’s all mapped out and ready for the writing.

Sister World1 and 2 are available everywhere. Both have received excellent reviews. There aren’t many reviews sent in but although I’d like to complain, I hardly ever did reviews myself so I understand why there are so few. My biggest and best review, came from my brother-in-law, so it can’t be posted. Amazon doesn’t know that he is very quick to tell me what I do wrong. He loved both books but likes second one more. As he put it: “he really liked the battle scenes and the way I resolved the problems, especially how certain people got what they deserved. I cannot say more. I hope I said enough to interest you.

My mother did not live long enough to read Sister World 2. She loved the first one. She told me it was a p perfect blend of science and characters you’d remember long after you finished the book, with just enough whimsey to make her smile.

I hope you enjoy them.

My heart will always be with Marcus, the main character in the Darkness and Light series. In him you find a strength I wish we all had. I can only hope I could face the challenges sent his way, making the choices he makes. You see his growth, from the boy in a Darkness Descending to what Gregor tried to make him. Under all circumstances, Marcus’ remains true to his nature, using the values taught to him as a child (book one), to become the man you meet in book two.

You can now purchase signed copies either at the Westerly Armory November first or through my business e-mail, payment through my PayPal account.


Good Reading.